noitulovers travels

Value - a journey across the globe
LIMITED COPY - CHF 20 N/A - Mar 2016
N/A - AUG 2016
go get it!

I'm but a guest in this world. While others rush about to get things done, I try to accept what is offered. Oh, my mind is like that of a fool, aloof to the clamor of life around me. Everybody seems so bright and alive, with the sharp distinctions of day, I appear dark and dull with the blending of differences by night.
I'm drifting like an ocean, floating like the high winds. Everyone is so rooted in this world, yet I have no place to rest my head.
One may look for fulfillment in this world but his longing will never be exhausted. The only thing he ever finds, is that he himself is exhausted.
(Vers 20 & 35 - Tao te king - Lao-Tsu)