

about noitulover

Noitulover Alaviv (2012*) is a fictional character. He was born in 2012 when his father and creator of this page was reliving himself in the bathroom of his parents home. While going about his business, focusing on the main task, he noted a heart-shaped post-it sticker in front of him reading "Viva la Revolution". As he was running out of quality reading material, having already digested literary master pieces such as Gainsbourg's "Evguénie Sokolov" and Franklin's "Fart Proudly" he came up with the glorious idea reading the lines presented in front of him backwards. And just like that Noitulover Alaviv, his beloved Alter Ego, was born.

Noitulover's artistic life cycle revolves around Sigmund Freud's psychosexual development theory. According to Freud, every human beings sex drive develops in five stages. Hence, Noitulover's work are nothing less than a abstract self reflection of his Alter Ego's sexual development. Noitulover Alaviv is basically an endeavor to not only stamp the Freudian process on the artists artistic progress but also an attempt to relive the sexual development stages in a distantly observing and conscious way. But maybe this is just bullshit and he only does it because he finds it funny.

  • from 2012 until 2013, first time he experimented with art, mostly simple pencil drawings

  • from 2013 until 2016, experimenting with colors and abstraction

  • from 2016 until 2018, dive into metal work, focusing on phallic objects and some lazy endaviours into grafic design

  • started in 2018 during the latency stage - Noitulovers took a break and Igor is taking over with his crazy machine

character traits of noitulover

farts proudly - noisy and mostly non-smelling (one dear and wise friend once said that people who don’t fart proudly cannot be trusted)

does not believe in any kind of authority, with the exception of Lao-Tzu’s Tao Te Ching

in generell want’s the free himself from everything and anything, including the desire to free himself. He once read that only the free mind knows what love really is
does not believe in perfection - in his mind beauty arises from the naturally flawed yet innocent and authentic nature of oneself being

needs to flow, rejects fixed patterns - very much like water

does not believe in Irony - with the exception of self-irony. Life is already serious enough in order to expend energy of taking onself too serious as well