

genital stage: all good things must come to an end

After 5 years of Igor’s crazy time travels through time and space during Noitulovers «latency stage» hiatus, Noitulover is finally back for the last chapter of his artistic bullshit and Igor is taking a back seat again. As Noitulover had basically nothing visible to show for during Igors run, it was not that he was sleeping like an inactive volcano. Quite the oppisite! There where quite some things going on during the last 5 years. First of all, he decided to quit his regular job – going full Igor mode for 6 months and then he got into business with the sun, becoming a part time Solar technician. That was basically a self-fulfilling prophecy as he was already thinking about his next project – connecting the world in his own way in order to spread his shitty ideas about shit and stuff. It all started with a visit to a “Brockenstube” or as Noitulover likes to say – a broken saloon. There he found a 60 years old telephone. Not thinking much he bought it for the heck of it. Then back in his atelier he was pondering what to do with this old piece of Bakelite. He started to study its electronics and soon figured that he might able to get this old baby back up running with a few tweaks. In it didn’t take him long to put a Raspberry Pi in that thing and got it running in its very own style. And so the idea was born to create his very own telephone system. As he wanted to run anywhere, power from the sun was needed where power outlets where a distant dream. Hence, it came in handy that he got the learn the ways of solar power by actually working in that very business. However, he soon run into more problems as the project itself was technical challenging to say the least. So after one year or so he decided to get to the bottom of all this electrical stuff and enrolled into an electrical engineering program. Yes, and there we are. One year into Noitulovers “Genital Stage”. There is already a prototype of a solar powered phone booth (Funkloch) and also a battery powered music trailer (Trailer42. Hopefully more is to come soon!

Trailer42 is a recycling projcect from Noitulover as it consists 95% of garbage. It was his first project after the time machine and it shows clearly the direction he wants to go with his arts - electrical powerd installations with a very Noituloveresque design . It is powered by a 12v 105AH Acid-Lead Battery feeding a 200W Subwoofer and a 2x80 Watts and a 2x60 Watts Stereo Soundsystem and totalling around 500W - so almost a 5000W bass machine! As Noitulover is an analog guy, so is the sound. Up to 10 Playlists can be loaded with an USB-Stick into the system and then can be controlled over switches and buttons on the trailer. Alternatively all the control interfaces can just as easily be accessed digitally with an App. For the lazy folks - the input device can be changed to Bluetooth and sound from Spotify, Youtube or other soundproducing applications can be streamed directly into the sound system. The Trailer is run by a Raspberry Pi 4 and the system is able produce music on full volume for approximatly 6-8 hours without the need to recharche the battery. Bear in mind, that besides being an awesome sound providing accessory, it is also a fitness device, since it is no easy task to pull the 80kg uphill!

This heavy piece of art is the first of hopefully many yet to come alternativly powered phone booths. It runs on a 200 WattPeak Solar Panel providing plenty of power to fill the 12V 30AH LiFePo4 Battery. According to Noitulover the thing should be running for 2 days straight in the absent of any daylight! Anyhow, the idea is to provide many of these in order to spread the message! (even Noitulover himself doesn’t know the message yet, but who cares). The thing, let’s call the EyEyEy-Eye - like an alternative to the illuminate eye. We need alternatives more than ever in these crazy times. So here we go. The EyEyEy-Eye should work like this - as it is equipped with a 2 Megapixel Camera and an infrared motion detector, the EyEyEy-Eye will know that you are there even before you do (of course, all these information will be intercepted by whoever because Noitulover has no idea about Internet Security - but this is a different story). On Eye-Sight, the phone will start to ring and god will talk to you through the speaker on the back end of the phone booth, telling you to pick up to phone. As soon as you’ve removed the phone from the fork, all the information you’ll need to know will be given to you for free! Fucking amzing! (It goes without saying, that everything you will not need to know will also be blown into your ear) Before I forget, the system that everything runs on is called “Funkloch”, it’s just like Windows, Linux or capitlism, just as shitty, but at least funny! Stay tuned...